New: Training package on Remote GBV  Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines

The training package,  developed by UNICEF in collaboration with the GBVIMS Inter-Agency Steering Committee, GBV AoR Helpdesk, Trocaire and NCA, is based on the 2021 COVID-19 Guidance on Remote GBV Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines. The training package, though prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, targets remote service provision at large. It is relevant to service providers with prior case management experience working remotely due to movement or technological constraints that limit survivor access to face-to-face GBV services. The training package is comprised of five modules including PowerPoint presentations, case studies based on field experience in delivering remote GBV CM, exercises, and handouts.

The modules cover the following topics:

  1. A review of GBV core concepts and the GBV case management steps:
  2. Introduction to and considerations for remote GBV service provision:
  3. Hotlines, including to sub-modules on Challenging calls and Suicidal callers:
  4. Phone-based GBV case management, including a sub-module on safety planning over the phone:
  5. Considerations for Supervisors covering supervision, staff care and documentation:

The compiled training package and introduction can be found here in English.

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