About the GBVIMS

A Brief Overview of the GBVIMS

The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) is a multi-faceted initiative that enables humanitarian actors responding to incidents of GBV to effectively and safely collect, store, analyze and share data reported by GBV survivors. Read a two-page overview here.

The GBVIMS includes:

  • GBV Classification Tool- a set of six types of GBV to standardize GBV definitions and the incident classification process.
  • Intake and Consent Forms - two forms used for collecting GBV data.  The Intake and Initial Assessment Form is a standard intake form designed to ensure that GBV actors are collecting a common set of data points.  The Consent for Release of Information Form requires survivors’ authorization for any of their information to be shared; it is intended to ensure that the rights of the survivors to control their incident data are maintained and protected.
  • Incident Recorder (IR) - an Excel database designed to simplify and improve data collection, compilation and analysis.
  • GBV Information Sharing Protocol Template - a protocol template that outlines guiding principles on the safe and ethical sharing of GBV data and best-practice to follow when developing an inter-agency information sharing protocol.

GBVIMS tools

Latest news and updates

July 10, 2024

NEW!!! Inter-Agency GBV Case Management Guidelines E-learning Platform

Coming soon!

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June 19, 2024

New Resources! Training Module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA - out now!!!

The training module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA was designed toaccompany the Interagency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials andthe forthcoming GBV Case Management E-learning (an online adaption of theInteragency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials). This module wasdeveloped under UNFPA’s leadership in collaboration with the inter-agency GBVIMSSteering Committee - IRC, IMC, UNICEF […]

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July 26, 2021

Stories from the field: GBV Case Management Capacity Building in the Gambia.

Check out the latest update from the rollout of the GBV Case Management Capacity Building Initiative in the Gambia!

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